TD’s full design-build capabilities in The Link project in uptown Dallas benefit the building owner and every future tenant. Controls Senior Project Manager Kevin Haughey and Senior Operations Manager Randy Heidrich recently shared more about the value TD’s Controls team contributes to this project.
Was Controls part of the initial design-build package for The Link? How did that come about?
Kevin: TD brought the whole package to the table, the design and installation of the mechanical and plumbing systems and a means of controlling them. In this case, it was a ground-up building.
It’s exciting to be a part of a design-build project like this where TD brings multiple trades or contributions to new building construction. When we’re doing all the plumbing, mechanical work and the controls, it brings substantial value to the customer and a sense of pride.
Randy: What made this project different, and we think much better, is that Controls was an equal partner at the table discussing design considerations and the owner’s needs from a very early point in the project design and on into construction. This allowed our Controls team to help make sure that the control system would add value to the overall building and positively contribute to attracting tenants to the building, all while helping keep costs in line with the budget.
What was the pitch for including Controls in the project?
Kevin: By going with TDIndustries, the same company has the building mechanicals designed and installed. Controls optimizes the performance of the major equipment and takes that build into the future.
TD is a Siemens partner. On top of Siemens controllers, we build a Tridium-based system, which gives building owners and tenants an open architecture for integration with other devices and flexibility for growth.
When did your team start working on The Link and when will work be complete?
Kevin: Controls design started mid-2020, just behind the mechanical design.
The core and shell phase is complete. Yet as tenants move in and finish out floors or partial floors to their specs, we’re well-positioned to support those installations long-term.
How did the potential for so many future tenants affect setup?
Kevin: We built our own network infrastructure so that each floor can be easily expanded. That keeps their building management system (BMS) separate from any other IT needs in the building. There will be connectivity between the BMS system and other offices the building operator has in the building to control and monitor the building seamlessly, even remotely.
What key building performance benefits of the Controls system you’re creating for The Link would be a selling point to attract new tenants?
Kevin: Key benefits for tenants are the assurance of comfort, reliability, energy savings and indoor air quality.
Our Controls group is highly detailed in documenting the process. We know the building, know how to control the building. An environment like that is incredible for the customer in that you have that corporate knowledge, why things are the way they are. We know how to add on to the system and understand its capabilities. We look forward to a mutually beneficial long-term relationship with this building.
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