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For Immediate Service:


    Fasken Oil

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    Project Overview:

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    Fasken Oil's Class A office campus spans five buildings. The company uses BrightBlue® as an innovative solution to reduce energy use, improve comfort control and extend the useful life of the HVAC equipment.


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    • Commercial/Office


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    Midland, Texas

    Services Provided

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    • Controls
    • BrightBlue

    Project Size

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    200,000 square feet

    Project Complexity

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    Fasken Oil was experiencing numerous employee comfort calls and only had a small in-house facilities team. They had complex mechanical systems that meant significant time to assess the root cause of HVAC faults. BrightBlue® helped improve energy efficiency, simplify thousands of equipment data points and provide consistent comfort throughout the five-building campus. BrightBlue® saved the company $14,700 in energy costs in one year, improved the comfort score by 7% and extended equipment lifespan by 15%.