Moody Theater at Waterloo Park
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Project Overview:
The Waterloo Greenway’s 12-acre site, just east of the Texas State Capitol Building, features a state-of-the-art amphitheater with a steel column and plexiglass roof. Features include modern dressing rooms and back-of-house facilities; a stand-alone restroom building; and a surrounding greenspace.TDIndustries completed the mechanical and plumbing work on the project for the Moody Amphitheater, nearby restroom facility, and the surrounding park space.
- Entertainment
Austin, Texas
Services Provided
- Construction
Project Size
38,000 square feet
Project Complexity
TD installed 60 water closets, 62 sinks, nine showers, 10 park hydrants, 98 drains, and 19 urinals throughout the site. A Daikin VRV system and HVAC duct curls through the amphitheater structure and up to a green roof behind the main roof. Cleverly disguised drainage pipes are included in the roof's architectural beams. The team also worked to model, route, prefabricate and install a reclaimed water system for the park, helping qualify the site as an Austin Energy Green Building. TDIndustries won the 2021 National Pyramid Award from ABC for the project.